Photo of books with spines hidden

One-on-one coaching for academics who yearn to write fiction or memoir

  • Years ago you started writing fiction “for fun,” but now you want to get serious.

  • You’re an expert in your field, but you long to branch out from research writing into other genres.

  • You have an idea for a novel, but aren’t sure how to begin.

  • There’s a story about your life that you increasingly feel compelled to share.

  • You’ve read all the creative writing books and taken all the workshops, and now it’s time to find someone as dedicated to your project as you are.

    You’re ready to write in new ways.

You’re eager to step into a new vision of yourself as a writer.

That’s where I come in.

I know from firsthand experience that academics are often discouraged from exploring new kinds of writing. And when you’ve already worked so hard to become an expert in your field, it can be scary to become a beginner again. Often, it feels safer just to stay in your lane.

So you do. And your creative self shrinks.

As a coach, I’ll support and empower you when you’re ready to expand your creative self.

When you’ve decided it’s time to learn something new. When it’s finally time to change lanes.

And best of all? I’ll be with you the whole way!

Photo credit: Della Perrone

Customized coaching meets you where you are and gets you to where you want to be

  • If you have an idea for a novel or memoir, I’ll provide you with proven strategies for laying the foundation of your story.

  • I’ll provide you with deadlines, support, accountability, and regular feedback so you know your story is moving forward in the right ways.

  • If you have all or part of a draft, I’ll give you clear-eyed insight into what’s working, what’s not, and together we’ll make and implement a plan to revise.

What can you accomplish with a book coach?

  • Go from a glimmer of an idea to a concrete vision for your book in just a few months

    Recent clients worked with me to learn about story structure and complete a series of exercises that helped them to get to the heart of their story. They figured out what their story is, why it matters, and who their ideal reader should be. Having a clear picture of the project in their minds has enabled them to move forward in their writing with confidence.

  • Complete a quality first draft of your book in about a year

    Writing a book takes time, especially when you’re new to the process. Through a combination of regular deadlines, detailed written feedback from me, monthly coaching calls, and ongoing support, recent clients have reached their goal of completing a first draft. Finally, the story they’ve had in their head for so long is now on the page!

  • Revise a full draft of your book to get it ready for the marketplace

    When a client comes to me with a full draft of a manuscript, I provide a clear-eyed evaluation of what’s working, what’s not, and craft a plan for how best to revise. Then, with my support, they learn and implement proven strategies for successfully revising their project. When we’re done, they’ve got a manuscript ready for the next step: getting a book into the hands of readers.

What is it like to work with a book coach?

  • What is a book coach, anyway?

    A book coach is the writer’s equivalent of a personal trainer, providing goal-setting, expert guidance, accountability, and support—all tailored to your individual needs. Think of me as a facilitator. You do the work, and I use my skills to help you meet your goals.

  • What I can and cannot promise you in our work together

    As your coach, my goal is to be worthy of the trust you are putting in me and the investment you are making in your writing. I will use my training and talents to help you craft the best book that you can. I cannot guarantee that you will get an agent, find an editor, get published, or make money. (And you should run the other way from anyone who claims they can guarantee these things!)

  • What is your role as a coaching client?

    What you bring to our working relationship matters, too. I hope that each writer I work with brings three things to the table: curiosity, a willingness to listen, and a sincere desire to explore both their strengths as well as areas for improvement. Oh, and a fourth thing: a sense of humor doesn’t hurt, either!

Ready to explore coaching?

Let’s set up a free, 30-minute call to talk about your writing goals!

Selfie of Cara Finnegan, grinning, wearing a t-shirt that says "It's a good day to write."